It’s a recipe for success. Take a critically renowned series of crime-thriller novels from Patricia Highsmith, have them adapted for the screen by Oscar...
Guy Ritchie’s 2019 crime-comedy-thriller The Gentlemen was a long awaited, and much welcomed, return to the Cockney-accented, foul-mouthed, absurdly violent criminal underworlds that his...
After finishing up their acclaimed satires Veep and Succession, HBO has a deep hole in their pockets. Thankfully, the executive producers behind these shows...
Today, Prime Video announced that the Emmy-winning global hit drama series The Boys, will premiere its fourth season on June 13, 2024. The diabolical...
Paramount Pictures have released the first extended look at Knuckles, the streaming Sonic the Hedgehog spin-off coming to Paramount + in April this year.