Sun Dogs

California, three years after 9/11, Ned Chipley (Michael Angarano) is determined to end terrorism by joining the Marines. Unfortunately for Ned, his limited capabilities...

Jessica Jones Season 2

Marvel Television have really perfected the longform, thirteen episode stories that populate the Netflix corner of their shared universe. Of the five debut seasons...

Queer Eye

Things just keep getting better. In the era of what old is new again, the latest old thing to get a revamp is Queer Eye....

Altered Carbon Season 1

A series unlike any other, Altered Carbon allows us to peer through the lens at a dystopian future where technological advances have created a...

Grace & Frankie (S4)

It’s one thing to watch a 70-year old woman frolic down the beach, but to watch her frolic surrounded by a platoon of giant, purple,...

Full Metal Alchemist

If there's one medium that rivals video games for bad live action adaptations, it's anime. As it stands they tend to run from forgettable...


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