Win a double pass to see The Promised Land

Directed by Nikolaj Arcel (A ROYAL AFFAIRTHE PR0MISED LAND is a masterfully crafted Danish epic in the style of a Nordic Western which was Denmark’s official entry for ‘Best International Feature’ at the 2024 Oscars.

In 1755, the impoverished Captain Ludvig Kahlen sets out to conquer the harsh, uninhabitable Danish heath, on which seemingly nothing will grow, with a seemingly impossible goal; to build a colony in the name of the King. In exchange, he’ll receive a desperately desired Royal name for himself. But the sole ruler of the area, the merciless Frederik de Schinkel, arrogantly believes this land belongs to him. When de Schinkel learns that the maid Ann Barbara and her serf husband have escaped for refuge with Kahlen, the privileged and spiteful ruler swears revenge, doing everything in his power to drive the captain away. Kahlen will not be intimated and takes up the unequal battle – not only risking his life, but also the family of outsiders that has formed around him.

Thanks to Rialto Distribution we have 10 in-season double-passes to giveaway to Novastream readers.

To enter, simply fill out the entry form below, and be sure to visit our Instagram and Facebook for additional entries into the competition.

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