Win a family pass to see Bookworm

In the midst of a family crisis, a washed-up American illusionist and his long-estranged precocious daughter venture into the New Zealand wilderness in search of a mythical black panther.

Thanks to our friends at Rialto Distribution, we have 10 x in-season admit 4 family passes to giveaway to see Elijah Wood and Nell Fisher in this incredible family film.

Mildred (Nell Fisher, EVIL DEAD RISE) is a precocious eleven year-old old Kiwi, an only-child raised by a solo mother, who escapes her humdrum existence by immersing into literary adventures. Her long-dreamed quest is to capture proof that the mythological beast known as The Canterbury Panther exists, proof that would result in a substantial cash reward. 

When an accident occurs leaving her mother hospitalised, her long absent father and washed up illusionist Strawn Wise (Elijah Wood, LORD OF THE RINGS trilogy) flies down to look after Mildred whom he’s never met. 

This unlikely pair agree to go camping together while mum recuperates. A child who has read every outdoor guide but never been camping, and a magician more comfortable inside Las Vegas bars, are thrown together in the ultimate test of family bonding in the New Zealand wilderness.

To enter, simply fill out the form below.

Catch Bookwork in cinemas August 29th.

Criterion 1
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