PAX AU is nearly here!


That’s right! PAX has moved to its online format for the second year in a row. While we were ridiculously excited to be attending an in person conference this year, it is abundantly clear that the right move was made to an online conference. If you are missing that gaming goodness, there are plenty of ways to get your fix. The conference will take place across Twitch, Discord and Steam. If you are a website traditionalist you can catch all the action on the website for the panels, community events and of course the games!

The action starts on October 8th at 11:30am with an epic keynote from developer Innersloth, the team behind Among Us. If AAA games are what you came for Deathloop’s Dinga Bakaba and The Elder Scrolls Online team consisting of Rich Lambert and Matt Firor.

If like me, you are at PAX for the panels, they are all back online this year. The event is promising dozens packed across the three day event covering many different topics like education, indigenous narratives, esports, accessibility and diversity in gaming.

There will be a virtual expo hall that goes hand in hand with the Discord channel to help us all feel like we are all together again. The community spaces will be the place for interacting with other attendees and also the place for competitions. If a solo campaign is more your thing, there is a PAX Explorer Text Adventure that will transport you from your home and make your at the Melbourne Convention Centre amongst the action.

PAX is always a good time, last years showcase was a great online event and I can’t wait to dive back in and reflect on a year we have had more time to game than any other thanks to lockdowns and restrictions. If you want to get into the mood, the merchandise store is available right now with an indoor campsite theme.

You can view and purchase via our website here

If you are ready to view the schedule and start planning have a look here

Make sure you stay tuned, we will bring you al the latest updates and coverage from PAX Online.

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