Review – Shower With Your Dad Simulator 2015: Do you still shower with your Dad?

Shower With Your Dad Simulator 2015: Do you still shower with your Dad?

The obvious answer is, of course, no. Hopefully.

This independently developed simulator game is unlike any other.

First and foremost, it actually lives up to it’s name entirely. This separates this simulator game and puts it in a different tier. Unlike simulators such as the Farming Simulator, where you can choose not to farm and tilt your tractors instead, this Shower with Your Dad simulator forces you to only shower with your dad.

As said above, it lives up to the game title 100%.

The game offers a total of six different game modes. These are EnduroDad, Dadathlon, Dad Divisions, a mode that is currently locked, one with question marks and one requiring DLC, which is rumored to be released in the future.


Playing EnduroDad was something else entirely, seeing how long you could last as you try to find your dad in the showers. There are a total of three dads with creative names. The objective of all of the game modes is fairly simple, it’s to find the correct dad in the shower. Make no mistake, this game isn’t a walk in the park. There is constant mounting pressure to find your dad, and as hazards such as wet floor signs pop up, each stage of the game provides a different level of difficulty, and makes it that much harder to find your father.

Sometimes your dad is showering near other dads, sometimes he isn’t, it’s up to you to not let your father down as you storm through the bathroom trying to find your father, so you can be reunited in the shower.

The game may seem a bit off if you’re not familiar with independent developers, however, once you ignore the part about showering with your dad, the game becomes quite fun and a challenge.

Don’t think of it as running into a shower with a fake pixel father to your pixel player, think of it as a Time Trial, like in Mario Kart or in Trials Fusion. A race against time to reach the finish, and as each stage advances, the stages get harder and harder, and time ticks and ticks as you try to best yourself every attempt.

The important thing is to ignore the name of the game, and think of it as a different game.


In all honesty, the game is a lot of fun, sitting there avoiding the hazards and other dads to get to your dad proves to become challenging as the game progresses. The only thing you can do in the game is shower with your dad, just in various game modes. That adds to the value of the game, just the fact that the game keeps to it’s name shows me that it’s going to at least try to simulate showering with my father.

Which is… unique, to say the least.

The gameplay is fun and quick, so if you’re on the train to university or looking to kill time during a lunch break, you should be able to fit in a few rounds of this simulator with ease. As other game modes are gradually introduced, the game will provide additional hours of fun and excitement for the player, with an underlying layer of intensity.

Honestly, though, Shower with your Dad Simulator is a load of fun and good for a quick laugh alone, or with your mates. A game like this can easily provide a quick fix to boredom and lift anyone’s mood. Although the game’s title may not sit well with anyone, the development of the game modes make the game worth playing, with endurance and a race against time both coming into play in the separate game modes.

A unique individually developed game that lives up to it’s name 100% is something that some gamers have been longing for for a long time, and this is the one that delivers.

Overall, 10/10. The game plays well, provides a quick fix to boredom and can be replayed over and over again. Definitely beats spending money trying to open cases on Counter Strike.

Just don’t show your dad this game.


Criterion 1
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