Avengers Age of Ultron is looking to be one of the most anticipated and probably one of the highest grossing films of the year. However, in order to guarantee people to buy tickets, Marvel has released many trailers, TV spots and scenes in order to hype people up.
Is releasing these scenes a good thing or a bad thing?
Many people would argue both.
Most fans are trying to hide away these spoilers, but like many of us, we all get lost with curiosity and don’t have the will power to keep things a secret until the film gets its release later on in this month.
The problem with releasing scenes such as Tony Stark as Ironman in the Hulkbuster fighting against the Hulk, is that major climactic scenes that are set to be the point of excitement in the film will instead have an audience saying, “Oh yeah, I remember that from the trailer. It was cool.” This takes away the shock and thrill people would get from the first hand experience of seeing it in the theatre.
As the release date of the film draws near, it seems that Marvel is continuously releasing more content of the film on Youtube and on their Facebook page. Unlike the first trailer, that gave us a vibe of the film and basic idea of where the Avengers are headed, these scenes are giving us too much detail of the plot and could deflate our movie going experience.
However, I don’t think by releasing these scenes that Age of Ultron will lack in revenue. It is going to be a huge success regardless. My concern is that feeling of excitement that we all got when we went and saw Guardians of the Galaxy, which was a huge surprise, will cease because as an audience we know what to expect.
I still think this is going to be an incredible film. Such things as Scarlett Witch, Quicksilver, The Vision and climactic scenes could have been more discrete until the film’s release to excite moviegoers. But, at the same time, these scenes do make us all very enthusiastic and eager to see this movie in just less than two weeks and it is definitely going to be awesome!
What is your opinion? Do you think Marvel has shown us too much of this film? Or do you prefer seeing scenes before the film comes out?
Either way, the Box Office is going to have a major boom at the end of this month.
Article by Emilia Aslan