Like how Malcolm wants his next hit, I want my next hit of Kilgrave! With the slower moving episodes coming in the show is doing a great job by giving us revelations that keep the story pushing forward. We also get to see a little bit of back story to Jessica Jones but still not her origins.
The stand out in this episode was the flashbacks for Jessica Jones. Through the flashbacks we see how she’s over qualified for most of the jobs she’s applying for. Jessica isn’t satisfied with where she is in life. I noticed that while she was generally a little happier before Kilgrave, she has always been this slightly damaged individual. I thought this was a nice touch showing that she doesn’t need to have a polar opposite personality. We start to see her progression as to why she tried out the “hero life”. This eventually leads to seeing Kilgrave played fantastically by David Tennant. HE comes off as charming and funny which switches instantly as he expresses his wishes to Jessica. It’s a great scene which feels so natural, even in the most unnatural of circumstances.
The flashbacks were my highlight here, but the main story follows Jessica as she devises a plan to catch Kilgrave. After the revelations that Malcolm was the person following and taking photos of Jessica, Jessica once again shows she isn’t devoid of using Malcolm as bait. Through following Malcolm she learns how to get to Kilgrave. What I liked about this episode is that it didn’t do what a lot of shows do and make things go horribly wrong, Simpson, Trish and Jessica had to adapt and their plan worked (for the most part). Once again Kilgrave always has a backup plan in place which makes it great television.
Speaking of Simpson and Trish, we see that their relationship has progressed. My only issue with this relationship is that Simpson seems like a bit of a douche. Simpson is probably the most stereotypical character in the show. It’s a shame considering how well thought out each of the other characters are.
Review by Daniel Clements
Twitter: @clemo_24