Interview : Bound By Hound

Bound by Hound are an alternative rock/grunge band, with members originating from varying parts of Victoria. They began writing and recording in bedrooms and lounge rooms, now regularly featuring at pubs and bars across Melbourne. Newest songs ‘You Knew’ and ‘Jaimee’s Song’ are evidence of the band’s increasing popularity, renowned for vibrant live performances, supporting local bands and seeking adventure.

I caught up with the group to discuss all things music, along with some topics less professional.

1.For those first hearing about Bound by Hound, how would you describe your music? Which bands have had the biggest influence on your style?

Our sound has been described as a heavy, grungy pop/punk – our music is heavily influenced by bands such as Violent Soho, Tonight Alive, Kingswood, Palms, Smashing Pumpkins, Dune Rats, Weezer and In Flames.

2. What has been the band’s most memorable gig played so far, and why? And in reverse, what has been the best gig you’ve watched?

We would have to say we have two pretty equal best gigs.

Last year we were asked to open for Dune Rats in Geelong, which was an insane experience. They were some of the sickest dudes to hang out with and share the stage with.

The second would have to be a festival we played over the New Year in Tasmania. It was called Festable and was based in Weegena, about 40 mins West of Launceston.  As it’s still a relatively new festival it had such an exciting vibe – with only one stage it gave the crowd (about 300 or so) a good chance to take in each performance, and there were a very wide range of performances; everything from hip-hop, to folk punk, to death core.  It was one of the most receptive gigs we’ve played, with all of the crowd up on their feet and having a dance– it’s a real community over there, everyone was so accepting and supportive of each act. It was cool to see how the local scene is really blossoming because of that attitude.

Luke Hiddle: The best gig I have seen would have to be Violent Soho at the corner hotel about two years ago. The crowd was absolutely insane and it was such an awesome experience.

Luke Briese: Seeing System of a Down at Soundwave 2012.

Rachel: Seeing Yellowcard play a show in Melbourne for the 10th anniversary since the release of their album Ocean Avenue. They played the album from start to finish acoustically then did a proper set of a mix of new songs.  It was also special as it was the last gig I saw at the Palace Theatre since all the controversy about its closing.

Conor: Seeing FIDLAR in Melbourne

Lachlan Soulsby: My favourite gig I’ve been to would be either The Sword at Soundwave 2013 or The Smashing Pumpkins. Both were awesome gigs but both bands are so different, so it’s hard to decide haha.

3. How do you go about the creative process in creating a new song? For example, in ‘Jaimee’s song’, who is Jaimee?

Normally one of us brings in a riff to band practice and then we all spend a night or two expanding on it till we’re pretty happy with how it is sounding.  Rach (singer) might then give advice on the structure or what parts need more dynamic, then she gets all lyricy with it.  Then we’ll just jam it for a while till we’re happy!

We would love to say it has some real significant/deep meaning behind it, but it was literally just the fact that one of our friends Jaimee came to a gig we played at the Cherry Bar in Melbourne, and it was the first time we played the song. Jaimee just happened to be in the crowd and we didn’t have a name for it yet, so Rach just decided to call it Jaimee’s song; it sounded pretty good so we just went with it!

4. Who’s the most annoying band member?

Luke Hiddle — Its probably a combination between all of us except Lachy our guitarist, he’s such a lad. But yeah we all get on each other’s nerves. But it’s nothing serious, just mucking around.

Rachel —  I would say Conor (drummer), but it’s not like a bad annoying,  once he starts doing something stupid he’ll just keep doing it for way too long until someone cracks it. He also tells me to shut up all the time, it’s great.

5. If you could play at one festival in the world, which would it be?

Luke Hiddle -Probably Coachella it’s a sick festival

Luke Briese – Sasquatch, in Washington I think

Rachel – Warped tour across America or Glastonbury

Conor – Coachella as well, aiming high haha

Lachlan – Rock In Rio would be awesome

6. Away from music, what antics does the band get up to?

Our Bassist Luke is a full time carpentry apprentice, so not much apart from that!  Our drummer Conor is in two other bands, currently on an Australian tour drumming for Famous Will.  Rach and Luke (lead Guitar) are both at Uni, but working and gigging over summer, Lachy (guitar) is just about to finish his Bachelor of Chemistry then move onto Honours. We all like a bit of a skate, gaming and a drink or two at Beav’s bar in Geelong.

7. What’s on the agenda for Bound by Hound in 2015?

We played a fair few gigs in 2014, but we’d like to surpass that this year. We’re ready to work hard to get our stuff heard.  We’ve got our single out now ‘You Knew’, and we’re planning to record our first EP soon as well as getting some merch happening, so we’re pumped for that!

8. What is each band member’s favourite song?

Luke Hiddle: Cocaine by Fidlar

Luke Briese: My Hero by the Foo Fighters

Rachel: One Year Six Months by Yellowcard

Conor: So Small by Jim Guthrie

Lachlan: Home Is For The Heartless by Parkway Drive

9. Bound by Hound; is there a meaning behind the name?

We would also like to say there’s a cool meaning, but Luke and Rach were just brain storming one night and came up with it, thought it sounded cool but it probably doesn’t haha. We’ve heard it too many times to know!

10. Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Quoting Nacho Libre is our favourite past time.

Check them out here:

Interviewed and written by Chris Sutton

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