News : George Miller Rumoured For Man Of Steel 2

The internet is a-buzz this morning with rumours and whisperings that director of Mad Max: Fury Road, George Miller, will helm the director’s chair for the highly anticipated Man Of Steel direct sequel. Simply titled at this stage Man Of Steel 2, according to The Death of Super Man Lives director John Schnepp, Warners is moving forward with Man of Steel 2 and wants the Mad Max: Fury Road director in the driver’s seat.

“George Miller, he’s doing Man of Steel 2,” Schnepp said on the latest episode of Popcorn Talk’s DC Movie News show. “Obviously Zack Snyder is doing Justice League 1 and 2, we already got James Wan doing Aquaman – Waterman I think they should change the title– but yeah I think George Miller is a perfect choice to do Man of Steel 2, he’s going to bring so much to it.”

While Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice will take place after the events of the original Man of Steel, Warner Bros. is believed to still be planning a proper sequel centered around Henry Cavill’s character.

In 2007 Miller was set to direct Justice League : Mortal  (including Armie Hammer as Batman, DJ Cotrona as Superman, Adam Brody as The Flash, Common as Green Lantern, Teresa Palmer as Talia Al Ghul, Zoe Kazan as Iris Allen, Mad Max: Fury Road’s Megan Gale and Hugh Keays-Byrne as Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter respectively, and Jay Baruchel as villain Maxwell Lord); unfortunately due to the writers’ strike and tax breaks the film never got off the ground.

More news on Miller directing Man Of Steel 2 should be released shortly and we will keep you up to date on Novastream!

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