Podcast Of The Week: Podd Socks

If you hadn’t noticed, over the past few weeks I have been recommending some of my favourite podcasts, that I think deserve more attention than they receive. To be honest, while they aren’t as popular as Hamish And Andy or This American Life, most have been fairly popular and if you were to mention them to a podcast aficionado you wouldn’t be telling them anything new. That is why this week we are going deep, venturing further into the depths of the internet, making sure we don’t accidentally stumble into the dark web.

Podd Socks

fch_8XaqThe fact that Podd Socks isn’t more popular than it already is, is almost criminal. Podd Socks is an Australian podcast that constantly flies under the radar. While it definitely has it’s audience, with over 2700 followers on Twitter, it’s unlikely to ever be featured on iTunes or break into the charts.  iTunes can be quite selective in terms of it’s featured podcasts at times but that is a rant for another time.

Podd Socks is absolutely hilarious and of my ever-updating podcast library, there are few that have me as excited for a new episode as Podd Socks. The show consists of Kris, Jack, Ben and sometimes Nathan, talking from various parts of Victoria and New South Wales through the power of the internet. Kris acts as the show’s anchor, or more likely, he is the only one that actually tries to get the show recorded and the microphone quality stable. Stories from Kris cover topics like food, dieting, hypothetical situations and many others that constantly step over the line. Acting as the show’s breakout character is Ben, with his fascinating anecdotes about the crazy people he meets on the street and some very interesting theories that range from; “can we clone Jesus for reality TV?” or “how can you make money out of time travel?”. Dubbed, The Physicist Farmer, Jack is the brains of the show, who often will swoop in to answer Ben’s ridiculous questions and provide stories of life on the farm. The show’s fourth man is Nathan who is probably the most mature member of the team and a family man. One thing they all have in common is humour, each one can be equally hilarious and they all complement each other’s personalities that benefits the show’s discussions.

What makes Podd Socks so special is that it is genuine. When most comedy podcasts concern a bunch of comedians in a room putting on an act to some extent, Podd Socks is quite simply three childhood friends talking bollocks. There is a sense of security among friends that allow people to speak their mind, no matter how disturbing those thoughts can be. Topics on the show generally revolve around personal stories, current events and nerdy pop culture. Some of the things said on the show can be quite offensive depending on how you look at it, either you can have a good sense of humour and recognise that you are listening to a comedy podcast or you can get offended and go back to the 1930s. Having said that, if you listen to comedy podcasts to begin with you are probably pretty easy going to begin with.

Podd Socks doesn’t update to a schedule and every episodes lands like a lucky surprise from the sky. Nevertheless I highly recommend giving one of the most underrated shows online a chance. Currently there is over three years worth of episodes available on iTunes or at their website. That’s over 80 hours of entertainment in 94 episodes. So whether you are looking to make your travel to work a bit more entertaining or you just enjoy listening to conversations that go nowhere, make sure Podd Socks is at the top of your list.


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