Based on the beloved best-selling children’s book series “The Floods”, My Freaky Family is filled with music, magic and following your dreams. Following a sell-out Australian premiere...
Following the iconic heroine’s resurgence into pop culture through the Survivor video game trilogy (which included 2013s Tomb Raider, Rise of the Tomb Raider,...
Written by the legendary creator of the HELLBOY universe Mike Mignola, and from the producers of THE EXPENDABLES and THE HITMAN’S BODYGUARD comes HELLBOY: THE CROOKED MAN, the fourth instalment...
Selected for Sundance Film Festival 2024 and SXSW 2024, Alex Thompson and Kelly O’Sullivan’s moving, gently comic collaboration is about the power of live theater to...
Selected for Sundance Film Festival 2024 and SXSW 2024, Alex Thompson and Kelly O'Sullivan’s moving, gently comic collaboration is about the power of live...
Now seven installments deep into this found-footage anthology franchise, the fact that the creative team behind the V/H/S series can still find interesting premises...