Tag: supergirl

Review – The Flash

Worlds collide in the most ambitious and exciting movie that DC comics has put together. Bringing together favourites from the past in characters like...

SPOILER FREE Avengers : Endgame Review

Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque.

CW’s Arrowverse Drops Trailer

Supergirl, The Flash, Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow are due to return to the CW early this October. While the characters are all in precarious situations -...

Recap – Supergirl Season 2 Finale

Supergirl really came into her own in season 2, after the big move from CBS to The CW, some were worried that the shift...

Interview – Mehcad Brooks

Hello Novastreamers! My name is Brittany from the Novastream team, and with Supernova just around the corner, I was given the opportunity to question...

Interview – Mehcad Brooks

With the Gold Coast Supernova just around the corner, Novastream writer Brittany was given the opportunity to question one of DC’s biggest jounos: Jimmy...


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