Tag: tv review

True Detective Season 2, Episode 4 Review

Down Will Come Warning:  This review contains spoilers. Half way through the second season of True Detective and no one is any closer to solving the...

True Detective Series 2, Episode 1 – 3 Review

Warning: This review of True Detective Season 2 contains spoilers. I know I'm in the minority when I say didn't care much for the first...

Brooklyn Nine-Nine Could Become The Best Comedy On TV

With Parks and Recreation finishing it's final season earlier this year, the throne for best American comedy is waiting for it's King OR QUEEN...

Review: Hannibal S3 – Secondo

***Spoiler Warning*** Another episode and another character's fate has been revealed: Jack Crawford is alive. We see him almost as a shadow of his previous...

Review: Hannibal S3 – Primavera

***SPOILER WARNING*** This is what makes Hannibal a great show to watch. Although the content is deeply disturbing and simultaneously stunning and gory to watch, everyone...

Five Shows That Ended At The Right Time

When a television series finds it's market, it's very tempting and unfortunately all too common for the network to push it to the brink....


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