Hello There, Obi-Wan Kenobi – A Preview

Obi-Wan Kenobi may be the most important Star Wars release since 1983, and it is no coincidence that we’ll be focusing on the return of a jedi.

Despite the prequels receiving a lukewarm response (no pun intended), the sequel trilogy has forced Star Wars fans to see the films anew. Yes, the dialogue was clunky, yes Jar Jar Binks is a tough watch, and yes, some long scenes distract from the core thread of Anakin’s rise and fall. But with the epic lightsaber duels, the tragic Vader progression, the emotional music, and Ewan McGregor’s perfect Alec Guinness alignment, there is hope that all of the good elements will form the base of the series. It’s the best of the prequel era in a show that cares about so much more than money…for once.

Obi-Wan Kenobi is set 10 years after the events of Revenge of the Sith, which saw Order 66 wipe out the Jedi across the galaxy alongside the rise of Darth Vader and the Emperor. Like many Star Wars films and series, it is expected that we will begin on Tatooine with Obi-Wan keeping a watchful eye over a young Luke Skywalker. Darth Vader is in his Jedi-killing prime, but it seems we’ll be spending more time with the Grand Inquisitor (Rupert Friend) and Inquisitor Reva (Moses Ingram) as they hunt down the exile Jedi on the orders of their master.

We know how the main characters die (grim, yes) so there’s little room to negatively impact the legacy of the Skywalkers or Obi-Wan in this series. Likewise, the Inquisitors, who are not alive by the time A New Hope starts and therefore will also be facing a lightsaber-induced ending. But reuniting McGregor and Christensen is a drawcard not to be missed. Their chemistry as master and apprentice was genuine, potentially the best part of the prequels. Christensen has been welcomed back with open arms and seems chuffed by the fandom support, and it will be exciting to see how he portrays Vader in the six-episode run now that he’s had the time to reflect on his experiences and grow as an actor. 

We’ve been informed time and time again that Darth Maul won’t feature, that Qui-Gon Jinn won’t feature, that a child Leia won’t feature – of course, a showrunner would say this to hide spoilers. At least one of these characters will appear, and it is these possible scenarios that ensure every episode is a must-watch. A series allows greater exploration than a movie, and it is here that viewers can fill in the gaps between the two eras…and perhaps even build a bridge that unites the eras as one. 

We’ve also been promised the ‘rematch of the century. Bring it on.

Criterion 1
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