TV Review-Star Wars Rebels Part 2

TV Review-Star Wars Rebels Part 2

Picking up where Idiot’s Array has left off in my last review, we along with the Rebels have finally reached the tail end of the first season of Star Wars Rebels! Things are finally coming to a head and it is most pleasing to see less messing around with filler episodes and more of the good stuff.

So without further ado, a review of the remaining episodes of Star Wars Rebels Season One!

Vision of Hope


“Vision of Hope” starts off with a training exercise on the Rebel Home Base on Lothal. As Ezra hones his Jedi skills, he experiences a vision, as the title of the episode suggests. It is of fellow dissident Senator Gall Trayvis(Brett Spiner) and the crew being attacked by Stormtroopers. The Rebels then embark on a rescue mission resulting in a shattering plot twist.

It was an interesting turn of events using this twist to propel future stories as seen in the coming episodes. It creates a sense of bleakness really reinforcing that these are the Dark Times. Audiences can find themselves sympathising with the Rebels in their plight.


The great highlight of the episode was the action seen. It was cool seeing Zeb and Sabine use their skills to create cool visual action worthy of Star Wars.

I would however, would like to see more character development of villains such as Agent Kallus. The character had a cool presence and needs a win to cement his status as a force to be reckoned with.

Score: 8/10


Call To Action


Following the events that transpired in “Vision of Hope”, our heroes take it upon themselves to transmit a message of inspiration to the oppressed people living under the Galactic Empire. Guest starring in this episode was none other than Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin(voiced by Stephen Stanton) who seeks to crush this insurgency once and for all.

For any Original Trilogy fan out there, Tarkin’s presence from the opening scene was truly a treat. There were plenty of nods not just to the show so far but to the movies themselves.

The opening music of the trademark Imperial march coupled with the obvious visual homages nicely enhanced the fact that this isn’t a typical day at the office for the Empire on Lothal. Stephen Stanton’s performance as the Moff was most certainly impressive with the script writing that was provided by both Greg Weisman and Simon Kinberg. Audiences will find themselves much like the characters Tarkin himself were berating, a little hot under the collar from his presence.

The episode’s level of action was once again truly spectacular as Tarkin’s presence was not just communicated physically but also through his methodology in his ultimate “Capture the Rebels Plan”. Having Tarkin in this episode provided a much greater sense of danger to the mission at hand for the Rebels, something this show sorely needed. It leaves you on the edge of your seat!

In regards to Ezra’s character, it was nice seeing him step up from little moments such as using the force in a fashion which calls back and pays off from a previous episode as well as the simple and effective message of hope sent out to the Galaxy.

Score: 9/10


Rebel Resolve


The episode picks up where “Call To Action” left off in that the Rebels continue to find Kanan’s location since his capture.

The opening action scene featured some cool sequences of a mission that was ultimately a failure. It’s really apparent that they’re not the well-oiled machine they are and the struggle they face is a great one.

We also get a glimpse into the mysterious Fulcrum, an informant to the Rebels in their mission. Like many fan theories, many do hope that it is Ahsoka Tano, Anakin’s apprentice from Star Wars: The Clone Wars. This will be no doubt revealed in the Season Finale?

What was cool to see was Ezra’s headstrong nature shining through in this episode, thus saving the day. This was contrasted well with Hera’s attitude in a conflict of Duty or Loyalty.


The final scene like in “Call To Action” leaves you on the edge of your seat with an ominous overhanging tone, guaranteed to make audiences excited for the final episode of the season.

Score: 8/10



Fire Across The Galaxy

Warning: Huge Spoilers do follow!

Well ladies and gentlemen, we’ve reached it! “Fire Across The Galaxy” is the season finale where the our heroic Rebels must bravely travel to the Mustafar system to rescue their loyal friend Kanan Jarrus from the clutches of Grand Moff Tarkin and the evil Inquisitor! Along the way they face off enemies and boldly fight off enemies, some for the last time.


This finale very much delivered in Star Wars entertainment! For a season finale, it has a lot of punch and leaves you waiting for Season 2! It was also nice that it finally pay’s off an overhanging plot element from a previous episode that I previously regarded as an unnecessary filler. This episode was very very reminiscent of Star Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi in many regards. You can especially see this in terms of the suspenseful action and the back and forth cuts of what was happening between our blaster wielding Rebels like Hera, Sabine and Zeb and our resident Jedi’s Kanan and Ezra in their final face-off against the Inquisitor. It’s similar to the back and forth cuts of what was happening on Endor and the Luke/Vader duel on the second Death Star in Return of the Jedi. Both fronts delivered well visually. The action against the Stormtroopers was a spectacle to watch as much as the final Lightsaber duel. It was great to see Kanan finally triumph over the Inquisitor overcoming his previous obstacle for not facing down the trouble in his past.


The space battle just like in the Original Trilogy was also pleasing to watch. Just when you think the odds are stacked against you, help has come. Just like the title suggests, Ezra’s message from “Call To Action” has ignited a fire with other Rebel Cells coming to the rescue, all orchestrated by the mysterious figure Fulcrum, whose identity is finally revealed! It was truly nice to see Ahsoka Tano grow from the innocent Padawan from Star Wars: The Clone Wars into a formidable Jedi at the end of the Six Season run and now fans can rejoice seeing a much older version here in Star Wars: Rebels!



Season Two of Rebels will look like it can only get better from here. As for what I’d like to see: Other worlds, more high stakes missions and action! And a larger appearance of these guys!






Score 10/10


Review by Thanura Ravindra

Criterion 1
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