This week on The Flash, it definitely felt like this is the big wind up to the season 1 finale, so many revelations, so many confrontations and so much DRAMA!

Barry, Cisco & Caitlin are still in Dr Wells closet reading the newspaper from the future and are introduced to Gideon aka Mrs. Jarvis, who tells them all about the future and the ‘ish that is about to go down.
The team devise a plan to get Wells to confess, while trapping him in a force field built by Cisco, but as usual Wells or Thorne I should say is one step ahead of the team and subs in last week’s meta of the week Everyman.
And then there is Iris, apparently her blog is so thorough and well
known now, she has been able to connect all the dots and trace everything back to the night of the particle accelerator…JERNALISM!
Eddie asks Joe for Iris’s hand in marriage, to which he refuses and amusingly repeatedly says “No”, Eddie then tries to get Barry to talk Joe around and give his blessing…awkies!
Flashback’s a plenty litter the episode with Iris, Joe & Wells all explaining the immediate events after the explosion with Barry in hospital and how he came to be transported to Star Labs. It did have touching CW-esque moments that should fulfil their teen angst quota for the season.
Thankfully the remaining episodes look action packed with not as much story, however this episode was a great setup for the finale and with the next ep labelled “Grodd Lives” (finally! thanks a lot Ryan!) a change of pace is welcome in next weeks ep!