And cue my new favourite episode of Supergirl!
Thanksgiving has arrived and Alex’s mum, Eliza, is in town to help celebrate. The visit has Alex freaking out while Kara brushes it off saying that there’s nothing to worry about. Meanwhile, Leslie Willis, a radio host working for Cat Grant, is talking smack about Supergirl. Cat quickly puts a stop to it and transfers Leslie to helicopter traffic coverage. Leslie’s first shift is in the middle of a storm and her helicopter soon spins out of control. Supergirl catches the helicopter, grabs Leslie’s hand, and is then struck by lightning. With Supergirl acting as a conductor, Leslie is physically changed and becomes Livewire. With shocking blue hair, Livewire goes on the hunt for Cat.

Although overly optimistic for the series Supergirl, I was worried after the pilot that the characters were going to be typical and two dimensional. Especially with Cat the horrible boss, and Alex the over achieving sister. Episodes 2 and 3 gave these characters more depth and took them from the clichés I was worried for. Episode 4 throws them into a whole new ball park.
This episode we learn why Alex is protective of Kara and why she strives to do things right. Chyler Leigh, the amazing actress, pushes Alex’s character to fantastic lengths, especially in her heart to heart with Eliza (Trivia: Eliza actress Helen Slate was the Supergirl of 1984). Chyler really took the audience on a journey by making the viewers believe it was an irrational fear of her mother visiting, to seeing just how rational it was.

And Cat Grant! What an amazing new side of her the viewers get to see this week. There was definitely a mother/ daughter relationship between her and Leslie and the way Cat’s façade dropped upon hearing that Kara’s parents had passed was incredible. And so many witty lines! What was originally the typical Devil Wears Prada fashion jabs has become very entertaining (see Quote of the Episode).
Apart from these two characters stealing the show, the graphics around Livewire’s “wire jumping” was amazing. Livewire had the typical pulsing hands of blue electricity which weren’t that impressive but as soon as she zapped herself into a nearby light I flipped! The electricity is almost pulled from her toward an electric appliance, then her body dissolves into the stream. The effect was used multiple times, including in fight scenes where she was thrown against computers where she dispersed into a burst of electricity. The design was captivating and remarkable. It’s almost a shame she was stopped and captured by the DEO.

On top of the many issues that Supergirl has tackled, this week the writers briefly look into what is produced by the media. In the heated discussion between Cat and Leslie, Cat points out that one should not mock another’s body shape or sexuality. Once again at the episode’s closure, Cat chooses to scrap the traditional shaming of celebrities and replace the columns with articles on people doing charity work. Cat attributes this swap to the change of tone in the city. Supergirl has brought hope to the city, and she wants her magazine to reflect that. Corny, yeah, but the intrusion of celebrities’ privacy always infuriates me and the fact that Supergirl is trying to highlight the real news at Catco is awesome.
In addition to all this, Kara even learns a little more about Winn. His dad is a criminal in jail and he has a major crush on her which he showed in the sweetest way! But I still don’t ship it.
Quote of the Episode: You have the wit of a YouTube comment. (Cat Grant)