Destiny Coverage – Prepare Yourself

He is coming…

With the release of the Taken King right around the corner it’s time to get prepared! Pat and Zahra are your go to for all things the Taken King, and they have compiled a list of things you should think about doing before the next chapter of Destiny drops!
Get Back into Destiny – It happens. With all the new games being released and stories being told, any form of MMO can start to feel stale and be easier and easier to put down and play something else. Well with Bungie going to extremes to revamp all of Destiny with it’s 2.0 patch and new expansion, money is on Destiny being born anew as a fresh feeling game.

Use your marks – Saving up crucible or vanguard marks for something special? It looks like they won’t be coming with us so now’s the time to spend them. Your legendary armour will become obsolete, at least in that it doesn’t level you any more, but that doesn’t mean you’re not better off with purple armour over your blue or green.

Exotics – Exotics will be coming with us so if you’ve got any you want to level up now’s the time. We’ve got all our favourites lined up and ready and are looking forward to the new and powerful weapons and armour that are just around the corner!

Raiding – As with other multiplayer games, Destiny is an ever evolving game. And while that means that new Strikes and Raids will become available as the game expands, there stands a possibility that some may not be as readily available moving forward. It Might be time to tackle things like Crota or Vault of Glass if you haven’t already (and reap the rewards of doing so).


Creating/Leveling Alternate Characters – Year one of Destiny taught us that there is value in numbers. Valuable resources that can be shared among your personal characters (such as strange coins) are easier to obtain in larger quantities if you have more higher level characters. When you consider that weekly strikes give you 9 strange coins on their highest difficulty, having multiple characters to do said weekly with would be advantageous. Both Zahra and Pat have High Level characters, as well as some that need some love. There’s no better time than now to throw some love, experience and gear their way.

Getting the Goods – We don’t know what’s coming so farming and hoarding resources like strange coins, motes of light and Planet specific resources like spin metal and spirit bloom may give you an advantage when new items start dropping in the expansion. If you’ve got some time on your hands it may be a good idea to stock up!

TRIUMPH – complete the list of first year triumphs to become legendary. It looks like we’ve run out of time but you might still be in with a chance! Be brave, check out the tasks you have left on the Destiny Companion and get it done if you aren’t too late.


Finally make friends – There are plenty of forums online to meet new people and go adventuring with them as well. So you will have a new world to explore and new faces to explore with. Everyone’s play style is different so this is a great way to find new people and work out who you work best with because it will be valuable for upcoming raids and strikes.

For all things Destiny, Zahra and Pat have you covered here at NovaStream!

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