Games We Are Looking Forward to in 2023


With 2022 providing some of the greatest games of a generation, it’s time to analyse 2023 and the many options that await eager players. Will there be titles to match the quality and cultural imprint left by Elden Ring and God of War: Ragnarok, two heavy hitters that raised the bar for AAA titles? Potentially, considering 2023 will be the year of new generation consoles. The beast that is COVID impacted game production on a large scale, but it also caused the latest consoles (specifically PlayStation 5) to struggle with the demand. These issues are behind us, and now we can bask in the capabilities promised by new-gen gaming.

Here are some of the games and categories that have us salivating:

Hogwarts Legacy

Despite being set well before a certain scarred hero steps into Hogwarts, there’s just something about an open-world game set in this wizarding world of magic that has gamers aroused. There’s magic beyond the wands in this IP and from the trailers, this game appears to have it in spades. We are yet to have a Harry Potter game with freedom, untethered to the books. The opportunity to explore the school, its grounds and the many locations we’ve read about or seen on the big screen are tantalising. Will the game live up to the hype? Maybe, but either way, it currently sits #1 on Steam’s bestsellers list – and it hasn’t even been released.

Jedi: Survivor

Much like the IP above, Star Wars is such a heavy hitter that any new game forces its way onto the list. But while last year was all about the brick form, here we have the continuation of the Jedi series, which tells a better story than the sequel trilogy. Its originality, fantastic lead actor and an intriguing plot – all built for the latest consoles – is exciting because Star Wars will always thrive on the best available tech considering the worlds, weaponry and battles that define the series. Unsure? The new trailer will see it become a day-one purchase.

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Another sequel for the legendary Link, following the Game of the Year entry in 2017. Zelda games do not miss. The Switch is quickly becoming an outdated console, but anyone who has played Breath of the Wild will know how little that matters here. Open-world games can become tiresome, but Zelda titles always find a way to provide the perfect balance between relaxed and frantic adventure.

Remake Heaven

Resident Evil 4, Dead Space and Silent Hill 2 are just three examples of cult classics receiving a full ‘from-the-ground-up’ remake to bring the horror into alignment with the power of new consoles. There is already talk of titles such as Metal Gear Solid getting the remake focus, and with the power of the new-gen it is easy to see why this is a trend. Updated graphics is exciting, but the ability to weave in new stories and expand on lore offers creators an opportunity to add to their legacy.


Horizon: Forbidden West will release DLC (Burning Shores) for PS5 only, despite the gaming having launched on the PS4 also. Cyberpunk 2077 has an Idris Alba-focused DLC that will receive the same treatment of next-gen only. Creators are realising that it’s better to focus on quality over quantity, with Cyberpunk 2077 has been a prime example of releasing for multiple generations when it should have aimed for next-gen specifically. Are DLCs worth the time when there is so much happening in the gaming world? The Witcher 3 did it right, so perhaps Cyberpunk is a safe bet with the same creator. But how do we analyse a DLC, considering a game such as Stray was nominated for Game of the Year despite being shorter in length than both of these upcoming extensions?

The New

Starfield, Redfall, Forspoken – there are many titles that are bubbling away with players knowing little beyond who is attached and the genre they will find themselves in. The former two are examples of how the Xbox can reclaim its place in the spotlight once more, with Starfield boasting over 1,000 planets to explore. But will these new IPs manage to create a cultural footprint, or will they suffer under the established IPs listed above? Marketing and reviews will be telling.

Will they, won’t they?

Death Stranding 2, Spider-Man 2, GTA VI, Wolverine – will they release in 2023 or beyond? Spider-Man 2 now looks certain, but the other may not even make 2024 at this point. Studios are making it clear that games will have a shorter cycle from announcement to release, but these games are examples of titles that could tease gamers for many years to come. If they do in fact release this year, 2023 will be the most stacked line-up of all time.

Our most anticipated games:

  1. Hogwarts Legacy
  2. Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
  3. Starfield
  4. Jedi: Survivor
  5. Resident Evil 4 Remake

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