Playstation @ Paris Games Week


ucharted4(Naughty Dog) – Exclusive to PS4

The Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End Multiplayer was revealed to the world. The trailer gave people a glimpse of all the hard work the Naughty Dog multiplayer team has put into it. Expect the teamwork, over-the-top action-adventure, and detail-rich gameplay environments you’ve come to expect from the Uncharted series Multiplayer mode.  The Beta will run from December 4th to December 13th, 2015.


GTS_Logo_1445974514 – Exclusive to PS4

Racing fans, brace yourselves — this evening at the Paris Games Week PlayStation Press Conference, Kazunori Yamauchi, along with SCEE CEO & President Jim Ryan, unveiled on stage the latest Gran Turismo iteration: Gran Turismo Sport, coming to PS4 in 2016. With the beta expected to begin in Spring 2016, it won’t be long before players can experience GT Sport!

DETROIT_LOGO_TEASER_1445974890 – Exclusive to PS4

David Cage, studio head at Quantic Dreams, surprised audiences by announcing the studio’s next title, Detroit, built featuring the android Kara, shown first in a technological demonstration produced by Quantic Dreams back in 2012, asking powerful questions about what it means to be alive and what it means to be human.



Horizone_Zero_Dawn_black_1445968634 – Exclusive to PS4

Guerrilla Games showed off a live gameplay of Horizon Zero Dawn, offering players a glimpse of how the game will play when it launches exclusively on PS4 next year, including its deep questing, crafting and combat systems.


Dreams_Logo_1445973860 – Exclusive to PS4

Media Molecule showed the first gameplay reveal and design vision for the studio’s new exciting IP, Dreams, offering a weird and wonderful twist on their trademark blend of play, create and share.

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PlayStation VR

Shuhei Yoshida, President of SCE Worldwide Studios, gave viewers a new glimpse of PlayStation VR during the conference, highlighting the many studios developing for the system as well as making the following major software announcements:

  • Guerrilla Games Cambridge debuted a new video for much anticipated multiplayer shooter, RIGS
  • Shuhei Yoshida followed this up with the announcement that popular first party title would be coming to PlayStation VR in the form of Until Dawn™: Rush of Blood
  • Founder of Crytek,Cevat Yerli, arrived on-stage to announce multiple new experiences built from the ground up for PlayStation VR, in ROBINSON™: THE JOURNEY
  • A new video for the PS4 Ratchet & Clank game was also highlighted (you can view below!)
  • Gravity Rush 2 is another highly anticipated title for the PS4 system (after being dumped on the Vita!) Here are 2 spine tingling videos below

  • After a bit of a rocky start, DriveClub has become a racing staple on the PS4 system and is expanding on that with the addition of Bikes. Checkout the launch trailer below

    No Mans Sky FINALLY has a release date!


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