The first ten days of Fallout 4

It’s been ten days of Fallout 4 and boy have we been busy! Here’s ten things I’ve been up to since the launch. 

1. Hanging out with the crazy cat lady.

  This one felt super appropriate because I was playing with a cat on my lap at the time. Let’s face it, if I was really in a post-apocalyptic universe I would be in the vault where the overseer was a cat…

 2. Spending far too long customising in Sanctuary.

I love the ability to customize and inhabit my own little world and it’s been one of the best parts of the game so far.

3. Catching up on the backstory.

I’m a newbie to the series, if there’s a dialogue option for further info I’ve asked it. Synths? The institute? The brotherhood of steel? Tell me more!

There’s also a good summary of the lore here.

4. Losing my companions.
  Somehow it’s really easy to accidentally dismiss companions, I’ve lost Dogmeat more than a few times and end up scouting my settlements looking for him everywhere.

What I’ve learned? Build a doghouse for him at Red Rocket and he’ll end up back there eventually.

5. Getting way too into the tunes on Diamond City Radio.

 Travis you do okay. Don’t listen to the haters!

I don’t want to set the world on fireeeee, I just want to be a flame in your hearttttt

6. Not getting bugs

I’ve heard so much about people’s poor experiences but aside from the odd lost companion the gameplay has been smooth and easy. 

7. Explaining baseball to crazies.

It’s America’s past time dammit! We don’t hit people with bats, that’s what WWE is for and we don’t even really hit people with bats then!

8. Restarting the game to see what happens if you don’t go to the vault.

*Spoiler alert* you die.

9. Power armor.

I don’t think this one needs any further explanation, it’s awesome!

10. Doing the right thing.

I know, I know. Most people are busy being sarcastic, asking for money for their services and being a badass, ‘look out for yourself’ vault dweller. I like the idea of making the world a better place, spreading hope and helping because I want to. I’ve finished a lot of minuteman settlements across the Commonwealth and I think Preston Garvey has the hots for me. I’m okay with this.

What have you been up since launch?

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