Before we get stuck in to the week of gaming that has past us by in a Sonic like blur, I’d liked to say a fond farewell to David Chattaway, our usual news man, who has left Novastream. You’ve left some big shoes to fill and I can only hope I don’t look too clownish!
Well where better to start our round-up of the week of gaming than with the biggest games that have released in the week gone by. Just Cause 3, with its’ renowned over the top explosions and action sequences is a game that is hard to miss. Early reports are that on PC the game is explosive fun but on consoles a literal explosion with load times and frame rate issues making Just Cause 3 a game that fizzles when it really needs to bang. The other big profile release during the week was Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege which marks a welcome return of the tactical shooter. First impressions are that despite a tedious progression system and lack of PvP modes, great gameplay and map variety keeps this game from jamming up under pressure.
The annual Video Game Awards were held over the weekend with plenty of awards given and one controversial absentee. Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima had expressed a desire to attend the event but it was revealed via the host Geoff Keighley that the retiring legend had been ordered by Konami not to attend. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt took out Game of the Year at the ceremony, with Konami’s final instalment in the Metal Gear franchise, Phantom Pain, unable to end its franchise’s reign with the award.
PSX 2015 was also on over the weekend with the biggest surprise being the reveal of Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom, a PlayStation exclusive, announced by developers Level 5. A slew of PlayStation VR games were also confirmed over the event with Golem perhaps the most eye-catching as it comes from two former Bungie devs who have had experience composing and designing previous Halo games. Last but not least Naughty Dog took the stage to show off Uncharted 4 with the company confirming dialogue choices will be available throughout the game’s campaign.
Telltale Games are as always keeping busy, trying to tell more tales, with a slew of announcements throughout the week. The first didn’t come as too much of a surprise with their next Walking Dead entry confirmed to revolve around machete wielding Machone, with episode one releasing February next year. The second announcement however was a bat sized shock with the company revealing they’re working on bringing The Dark Knight to our video game screens *squeals*.
In other announcements around the gaming sphere that are sure to excite:
-Leatherface from Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Xenomorph from Alien will be added to Mortal Kombat X’s roster next year via DLC
-After much rumour Rocket League it seems will be gracing Xbox One come February 2016, rev your football engines Xbox owners.
-Payday 2, like any cliched bank robber just can’t resist plotting another heist and this time a Point Break inspired heist is on its way via DLC first quarter next year.
And in eSports news, Starcraft II legend Lee Young Ho who earned the nickname ‘God’ and ‘Flash’ over his career has announced his retirement from the professional scene at the ripe old age of 23. The South Korean has been playing professionally for nine years and now plans to try his hand at coaching, after a mandatory stint in the army that is. Let’s hope his gaming experience won’t let him down!
That my fellow gamers, was the week that was, game on!