“Not Now, Not Ever” Julia comes to Melbourne


“Not Now, Not Ever” the immortal words from Prime Minister Julia Gillard during her famous 2012 parliamentary misogyny speech have been transformed into a live show that is set to begin at the Southbank Theatre in Melbourne from the 31st of May.

A Sydney Theatre Company and Canberra Theatre Centre production, Julia documents one of the most pivotal moments in Australian political history, sending shockwaves around the world. The live show is a gripping insight into Australia’s first female prime minister, who picked apart the hypocrisy and double standards, and bravely fought the unchecked sexism and misogyny that occurs in contemporary politics.

Juliais helmed by some of Australia’s finest theatre makers, including playwright Joanna Murray-Smith (Berlin, Switzerland) and Helpmann Award-winning director Sarah Goodes (Sunday). This powerful two-hander features Justine Clarke and Jessica Bentley, who walk audiences through some of the most important parts in Gillard’s life, culminating in a verbatim performance of the 15-minute speech that has earned a place to live unconditionally in the Australian collective social consciousness.

Melbourne Theatre Company’s  Artistic Director Anne-Louise Sarks says,“Julia is an exhilarating piece of theatre that will linger in the minds of Melbourne audiences, long after they’ve left. After incredibly well-received seasons at both the Sydney Theatre Company and Canberra Theatre Centre, it is so exciting Julia has arrived in the city that Gillard called home throughout her trail-blazing political term.”

The show runs for 90 minutes with no interval with performances commencing on the 31st of May 2024.

You can purchase tickets now here

*image courtesy of Prudence Upton.

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