Netflix Review: Daredevil Episodes 11, 12 and 13

The last few episodes of Daredevil have ended on a great note, making the show resounding well with fans of the Marvel franchise and Netflix watchers in general. In early reviews of the show, it seems like the series is deemed as one of the best things released by Marvel studios.

Daredevil-Episode-11Episode 11 of the show, The Path of Righteousness, felt like a turn in the series, and we could tell that this is the beginning of the end of the series. The show continues to draw us into the show more and more and leave us on edge with a major cliffhanger at the end. This episode allows us to see Matt’s attempt to get back on track after his injuries and the aftermath of Foggy discovering Matt’s secret.

This episode follows Matt’s discovery of Melvin Potter, a mentally challenged man working for Fisk as an engineer, and asking him to make a suit of body armour like the ones made by him for Fisk. With Vanessa in hospital after being poisoned, Fisk thanks Wesley for standing by him through all the drama in the past. During this time, Karen and Ben use their time to find Fisk’s mother and learn about his father’s death. However, Fisk’s mother calls Wesley and lets him know they went to meet with her. Without letting Fisk know, Wesley kidnaps Karen and attempts to blackmail her. Fortunately for her, Karen is able to steal Wesley’s gun and in desperation, shoots the man! More then once!

Once again, while Fisk is portrayed as a villain, we can’t help but humanise him and feel empathy for him. However, even with his death, the same cannot be said for the cold characterisation of Wesley. However, we see a different side of him with the anxiety showing through Vanessa’s poisoning, allowing us to gain a three dimensional view of the character before he dies. But, again I think the most surprising character in this episode is Karen. This new insane personality, is willing to spark some anger in Fisk and continue his wrath. This epismarvepds012hjpg-5ad190_640wode, however, was light on Matt’s alter-ego, due to his recovery, but we are now excited to see the foundation of his first proper superhero outfit. Melvin and Matt has a great fun fight scene in this episode, also using call back’s to Melvin’s super villain costume.

All, in all this episode effectively set up the final two episode of Daredevil and thanks to the beauty of Netflix, we didn’t need to be held on the cliff hanger for too long.

The next episode, The Ones We Leave Behind, began the penultimate episode of the Netflix series. This episode is obviously setting up what we know will be the end of the first series, and indeed has continued its excellence, allowing us to continue to be drawn into this world. The story follows Matt dismantling Madame Gao’s drug smuggling operation, forcing her to leave the city. On the other hand, Karen’s character is continuing to develop, gaining dependence with alcohol, trying to cope with killing Wesley, while making amends with Matt. Ben also decides to publish the knowledge they have on Fisk online, which doesn’t end out well. It results in Fisk breaking into the apartment and strangling him to death.

It looks like as the show is drawing to a close, the amount of deaths is just continuously rising. With Ben’s death in this episode, and a renewal for a second season in the show, it looks like Ben has left a hole in the show that won’t be easily replaced. The character had such a chance to shine, with releasing the article, which made his death even more heartbreaking to watch. Fisk’s vulnerability is at peak again, despite VaDaredevil-Episode-12-1748x984nessa’s recovery. being succumb to his rage and Wesley’s death has obviously affected him more then he cares to admit. However, we didn’t get to see the final Daredevil suit that we have all been waiting for, I think the studios want to leave that anticipation towards the finale.

And here it is, what we have been both excited for to no end and was also absolutely dreading; the finale of the first season of Netflix’s adaptation of Marvel’s Daredevil.

The finale, Daredevil, finally gave us an image of what we were waiting for, to see Daredevil! The red outfit with the horns does resemble what most comic book readers have been seeing for years, but with a bit of a creative spin on it. My only wish is that we could have seen more then about 15 minutes of this outfit in the whole season. However, from what we are seeing this season has been seen as more of an origin story for the character.

The episode opened withDaredevil-Costume-1748x984 Ben’s funeral, creating a devastating image from the get-go. With Matt and Karen in attendance, Ben’s widow refused to let Karen take the blame for his death, while Matt reassures Karen that Fisk will face justice. Throughout all this, Fisk learns that Owlsley and Madame Gao were the ones who planned to murder Vanessa, deeming her a distraction as well a that Owlsley was hiding detective Hoffman for insurance. When Owlsley questions Fisk and tries to blackmail him, Fisk just throws him into an open elevator shaft. On the other side, Matt and Foggy meet at the gym and reconcile their differences, and begin building the case they have against Fisk.

In his disguise, the vigilante finds the detective and manipulates him to agree to testify against Fisk. This allowed the federal agentmatt-murdock-suits-up-daredevil-s1e13s to arrest Fisk and his minions, however he quickly flees custody. Matt is able to intercept him before he leaves the city, engaging in a beautiful fight sequence with Matt defeating him, avenging the death of Ben and turning him into police. The vigilante is now coined by the name as Daredevil in the media.

To many people, the end of this season didn’t really live up to the expectation as it was beginning to lead up to. However, we can’t complain because the new show has created a new benchmark for comic book adaptations for the silver screen.

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