Hottest 100 Review


Last week, Novastream asked some burning questions and made various bold predictions about Triple J’s Hottest 100. Here’s how we fared:

1. Who will be crowned number one?

Chet Faker’s Talk is Cheap won the honour, a song we placed at number 2. Our prediction, Peking Duk’s High, was awarded silver, so the top two were chosen correctly.

2. International vs. Home grown?

59 of the 100 tunes were created by Australian artists, which included the top three choices and seven of the top 10.

3. Taylor Swift?

Disqualified, thankfully. She would have finished at number 12 had the pop artist been allowed to feature. This would have pushed a rising Australian songstress, Tkay Maidza, out of the count as she polled in at 100.

4. Will Bruno Mars crack the top 10?

Unfortunately yes, he did. His track ‘Uptown Funk’ with Mark Ronson came in at number six.

5. Who will have the most entries?

We predicted Chet Faker would have 5; he finished with 4.

6. Like a Versions?

Chet Faker’s take on Lover made it, as expected. Others to follow were Chvrches with Do I Wanna Know and Meg Mac with Bridges.

7. Top Female?

Sia claimed the prize, closely followed by Lorde and Meg Mac. All were mentioned by Novastream.

So, how close were we to predicting the top ten? First mentioned are the actual placings, followed by our choices in brackets (we predicted 6 of the top 10):

10. Asgeir – King and Cross (Lorde – Yellow Flicker Beat)

9. SIA – Chandelier (Alt J – Every Other Freckle)

8. Chet Faker – 1998 (Peking Duk – Take Me Over)

7. Chet Faker – Gold (Vance Joy – Mess is Mine)

6. Mark Ronson – Uptown Funk (Chet Faker – 1998)

5. Peking Duk – Take Me Over (ZHU – Faded)

4. Milky Chance – Stolen Dance (Hilltop Hoods – Cosby Sweater)

3. Hilltop Hoods – Cosby Sweater (Milky Chance – Stolen Dance)

2. Peking Duk – High (Chet Faker – Talk is Cheap)

1. Chet Faker – Talk in Cheap (Peking Duk – High)

And finally, where did our official entries end up in the count?

  • Childish Gambino – Sober (31)
  • Alt-J – Every Other Freckle (14)
  • Broods – Never Gonna Change (did not place)
  • Lorde – Yellow Flicker Beat (19)
  • Lana Del Rey – West Coast (32)
  • Hopium ft Phoebe Lou – Dreamer (82)
  • The Amity Affliction – Pittsburgh (22)
  • Milky Chance – Flashed Junk Mind (44)
  • Foster the People – Are you what you want to be (did not place)
  • Dead Letter Circus – Killing in the name of (Like A Version) (did not place)

Stay tuned for the 200-101 count on Triple J this Sunday.

Chris Sutton

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