Mad Max: Fury Road comes to Sydney

To celebrate the release of Mad Max: Fury Road, the streets of Sydney will come to life with a live promotional event!

On Wednesday May 13th, one day before the film’s Australian premiere, an awe-inspiring range of trucks, sedans, pick-ups, and motorbikes from the film will roar through Sydney, turning the city into a (hopefully less violent) replica of George Miller’s post-apocalyptic world.

The vehicles—including the War Rig, the centrepiece of the whole event that fans will instantly recognise from the trailers—will end their convoy with a public showcase outside the Sydney Opera House. Everyone is invited to get up close and personal with these impressive vehicles, and a specialised production crew will be on hand to answer questions and provide background information. The War Rig will be joined by Razor Cola, The Giga-Horse, The Doof Wagon, and The Nuxcar, among others.

mad-max-fury-road-war-rigThe showcase will culminate in a live demonstration of the vehicle’s abilities, featuring cast members in full costume to give audiences a sneak peek into the world of Fury Road before they have the chance to see it for themselves at the Australian red carpet premiere, hosted by Roadshow Films at Event Cinema on George Street, with star arrivals starting at 6pm.

Australian director George Miller is excited for this high-octane showcase on the steps of one of Australia’s most iconic buildings—the perfect stage for Mad Max’s comeback: “I’m so proud of our Mad Max crew. The magnificent teams who master so many disciplines: stunts, special effects, rigging, camera, design, editing and so on. Australians at their best… resourceful, highly skilled and graceful under pressure. These vehicles are a manifestation of their craft. I still get a buzz standing next to them, listening to the sound of the engines.”

One of the film’s key vehicles will remain on-site at Event Cinema for a week after the showcase, so if you miss the main event make sure you don’t miss your chance to see this one!

Mad Max: Fury Road will be released in Australia and New Zealand on May 18th, 2015 and is rated MA15+.

Check out the latest trailer for Fury Road below!

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