Movie Review – Seventh Son

It’s not often I would refer to a movie as a complete pile of rubbish, but I have in the past and I no doubt will again. So it is now that I choose to declare Seventh Son the years biggest pile of trash and with a stellar cast like Jeff Bridges and Julieanne Moore, I feel really REALLY guilty saying that…actually after reflecting the two hours of my life I wasted on this dribble, I really REALLY do not.

Seventh Son is based on a book (eyeroll!) and centres around Spook (Jeff Bridges) a “ranger” who imprisons a witch Mother Malkin (Academy Award Winner Julieanne Moore) and after years of being trapped in a well on top of a hill (yes really!) she escapes a powerful dragon and seeks revenge upon the Spook and the land. Following in her triumphant return, she kills Spook’s current apparentice leaving him to look out for the next seventh son of the seventh son. A never explained process that whisks Tom Ward (Ben Barnes) into the mix, who can see visions before they happen but cannot do anything about it (or can he????)seventhsontr2620

This movie really shines in the special effects part, everything is beautiful and intricately detailed, it really was a spectacle, and the 3D was well worth the extra couple of bucks (something in this movie had to be entertaining)

Jeff Bridges and Julieanne Moore do the best with the material (or lack of!) they have been given here, and after the many delays and studio changes, this film really feels like a lacklustre effort that was released to appease the fans that have been following the production since January 2013 and the delays and studio change have not helped the film at all.

The story and pacing is a complete mess, there is no connection to any of the characters here, when certain characters die or disappear you are left with a feeling of relief that we may now be only 10 minutes away from the end of this mess. They would have been better just chalking this up to a mistake, scrapping the whole idea and waiting a few years before trying again.maxresdefault

This is a sad first entry in an attempt at a franchise, and if there was a way to go back in time and get these 2 hours of my life back, I would do it! Save yourself some money and time and go and see well, anything else. Now I am off to see Insurgent…sigh

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