In any child’s eyes or, more frighteningly, a chocolate lover, their world would be over if one year Easter never happened. It’s a thought best not entertained because, thankfully, this is precisely what the Rabbit Academy has been planning for its entire existence.
Easter is on its way, and the Rabbit Academy is full swing. The hens are laying the eggs, the rabbits delivering the eggs are in training to manage any situation thrown at them, and the foxes continue to try and take control. Fear not; the foxes aren’t a new challenge for the Academy. Most exciting is that this year the golden egg has selected the latest recruit from the city to join the ranks, Max. It isn’t long after the excitement of the recruits chosen that the egg turns black, which means Easter is in jeopardy.
Without any idea of what is coming, the Academy continues its preparation. However, Max’s arrival has meant he was followed to the secure location by a family of foxes. The primary mission of the foxes is to steal the eggs and deliver them to gain all the praise for themselves. Little do they know how much effort goes into that particular day. With a bit of help from an ex-Acadamy rabbit, Leo, the Foxes managed to find their way to steal the Easter Eggs.
Things take a curious turn when the youngest fox, Ferdinand, has a change of conscience. He decides to help the rabbits and fix what his fox family have done.
Rabbit Academy Mission: Eggpossible is a bit of simple fun for the children. But don’t let the idea of fluffy-tailed easter bunnies bouncing around fool you. It does get a bit dark at some points, especially the traps set by the foxes to capture the rabbits.
The film covers all the gems to make any good children’s movie a pleasant hour and a half for a child’s guardian to switch off. There’s some singing and dancing, some simple jokes and nice bright colours. The concept of the golden egg and the magic of foxes and rabbits working together might be challenging for some of the younger audience to fully grasp.
Visually the computer-generated animation is without fault; mind you, the film’s simplicity would be expected as such. The clever use of colours and tones makes the film seem light and friendly even when the theme is dark.
Rabbit Academy Mission: Eggpossible is a fun adventure about Easter and making sure everyone gets an egg. Albeit not a chocolate one. It moves away from that traditional children’s film. It gives it an excellent modern fix with social media and technology themes. But if you’re looking for a fault, it would be in the entertainment for adults. Just a little joke here or there for the adults to keep them ever so slightly tuned in would have gone a long way.