Grab your pitchforks, tractors, teeth pickin’ wheat bits and roost on your couches, because Farming Simulator 2015 is coming to a console near you!
That’s right, chickens. You read this correctly. THE farming sim is moving from a pleasant trot to an excited canter as it journeys over to your very own Xbox One, Xbox 360, Playstation 4 or Playstation 3 this May 19.
Never forget the tractor times.
Have you ever been sitting alone on a Monday eve and had an inane urge to plow some fields? Perhaps you’re constantly hankering for some animal rearing?
No longer must you spend these nights weeping alone over your unused, pristine pitchfork – because Farming Sim 15 on console will feature some sweet multiplayer action! Prepare yourself for some hardcore seed planting with your best mate, high school sweetheart, or second Aunt twice removed who just had her third hip replacement in 3 years and whose idea of fun is usually watching reruns of ‘The Bold and the Beautiful’ whilst analysing camera angles and looks of deep despair held at uncomfortable lengths – much like the uncomfortable length of this now entirely irrelevant sentence.
Not only that, but there’s a brand spanking new physics AND graphics engine to make your Farming frivolities about as close as you can get to the real thing without the harsh sun beating down on your little farmer head.
You can manage and develop your very own farm via animal husbandry, crop harvesting, investments and SO MUCH MORE! But don’t think you’ll be digging up those potatoes with your hands! No, siree! We are not serfs. This is the 21st century! We have machines to do that for us now, and boy are these ones something special – not to mention they are also exclusive to the console version which dips into the portfolios of over 40 of the worlds most reputable manufacturers including MAN, Liebherr and New Holland!
Disappointing series finale simulator 2015
If you’re feeling a bit drained after 8 seasons, you could always fake your death and become a lumberjack with Farming Simulator 15’s latest addition included in the console release – WOODCHOPPING!
Feel the wind in your beard and wear as much flannel as your farmin’ heart desires while you chop the days (also trees) away with an entire selection of dedicated vehicles and tools!
Enough with the corny jokes – Grab your overalls and start planning a bootscootin’ hoedown for the launch of Farming Simulator 15 – Console Version. Coming to Playstation 4, Xbox One, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 on May 19th.