Interview: Rob Maschio From “Scrubs”

Rob Maschio is THE TODD from the hilarious long-running comedy Scrubs. He’s in town for OzComicon Brisbane, running September 19-22 at the Convention and Exhibition Center. Before we’re even able to take a seat Rob excitely says “G’day, G’day, G’day”, still brimming with energy after a long day of meeting fans, signing autographs and giving out plenty of high fives. 

First of all, massive props for coming in costume. It looks awesome.

I do it for the kids that come out to see us. They dress up in costume and it’s a bit of fun. And that way I can sort of be in character all day and be inappropriate all day.

Is Rob as inappropriate as Todd?

Yep. He’s very…. Horny…. All the time.

I got nowhere to go with that.

That’s what she said.

Enjoying your time in Australia?

Yes! The women! Let’s talk about the women!
robert-maschioDo you know about meter maids?

No, what are they?

They are women down the Gold Coast that refill the parking meters so you don’t get a fine. Now that’s normal, whatever, but they dress in bright gold bikinis.

I love the meter maids. I want to give the meter maid a high five… and a low five… and a in-her-end-o five.

Are you heading out tonight? Do you even get to see the nightlife when you’re in town?

A little bit, yes. Last night there was a opening party function and tonight we’re hoping to get a second wind. I think what’s happening in South Bank is really interesting, a local carnival and festival. So we might jump out and see one of those and then we’re back here on Sunday and Monday.

Having a blast meeting everyone?

It’s been awesome. Every ten high fives I use hand santiser so I don’t get sick. And I also don’t want to spread any germs. I could be Patient Zero because I touch everybody’s hand.

Speaking of Patient Zero – do you watch the Walking Dead?

I do, it’s a good show. I’m more of a comedy guy myself but that’s one I do love to watch.

Scrubs is still a massively popular show and your character is a fan favourite. How is that for you? 

It was nine years of my life. It’s been over for about five so it’s a part of my life that is over but because of the subsequent success and popularity of the show I get to go all over the world a couple of times a year and meet all sorts of people. It’s been really interesting afterlife to the show.

I saw that you built off Todd a high-five app. I think that’s awesome.

Yeah a high five app and a high five tee shirts. People just want to high five and to high five me. Sometimes people don’t even want to talk to me necessarily but they come up to me and high five me. So I had the idea to do the high five app for a long time and the idea itself was probably five years too late but that’s okay. It’s out there and twenty thousand people downloaded it which is cool.

I was going to add more to it and things like that, maybe later. I didn’t make any money off it but it was a fun thing to do.

Did you donate it? How did you not make money off that?

It’s a free app and there gets to be a point after about a hundred thousand downloads you can add advertising banners on it. So there’s a way to make a little money but it was more a labour of love and a noble failure in my opinion.

What are you up to lately?

I’ve been auditioning for a lot of half hour TV. That’s my main goal. I’m still in LA and I’m trying to lock down something like that.

Neil Flynn (The Janitor on Scrubs) had success with The Middle. Is that something like what you’re after?

Yeah, a half hour show. But not necessarily network. The audience is so fragmented now which is exciting. Who knows where the next show I will be on will air? There are so many more venues now. So I’m looking at a variety of projects on Amazon and Netflix and to get one of those would be really cool.

Awesome. Thank you for your time.

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