Podcast Of The Week: The Frank Skinner Show

The Buggles would like you to believe that video killed the radio star but in reality that couldn’t be further from the truth. As long as there are cars on the road, people are going to be bored enough to tune into what ever noise is being transmitted by their local radio station. Most of the shows on air tend to be overproduced/under-produced popular music nonsense with a bunch of idiots in between making the adverts seem like the holy grail of entertainment. Luckily, like with all entertainment you can always manage to find a diamond in the rough and what is doubly as lucky is that these shows can be edited, music and advert free into podcast format. This week’s podcast perfectly fits that description.

Frank Skinner

Frank Skinner on Absolute Radio 5

British comedy legend, Frank Skinner has been working in the entertainment business since 1987 and has built up quite the resume. Over the years he has had TV show, after TV show, sellout comedy tours and even made an appearance on Doctor Who, but we’ll get to that. In 2009 he decided to try his hand at radio and it was no surprise that he was brilliant. Along with friends and fellow funny people, Emily Dean, Alun Cochrane and formerly Gareth Richards, Frank hosts The Frank Skinner Show on Absolute Radio every Saturday morning. The podcast is hastily, yet professionally edited and uploaded no later than Sunday morning.

As a comedian, Frank Skinner has amazing staying power due to the fact that he is able to keep up with the popular zeitgeist but mainly because he is utterly hilarious. He is one of the rare comedians that is not only quick with the joke but has certain aspects of his personality that are funny in their own right. Frank makes no apologies, admitting he enjoys the children’s show, Merlin, doesn’t believe in fainting and under no circumstances will bow to the tradition that is our duo-decimated timing system. It’s no secret that Frank thinks himself the funniest man in the world and with his quick wit to back him up, it wouldn’t be too hard to find a few people to agree with him. Having said that, Frank is by no means arrogant and his humble disregard for “on air praise” is more than enough proof of that fact.

I think it’s about time I mention the other members of the team, if for nothing else to stop Emily’s voice screaming; “What about me?” in my head. Emily Dean has been a co-host of the show since 2009 but what ever you do, don’t mention her age. She has been friends with Frank for years and their chemistry works to the show’s advantage. During the week, she works in the fashion industry and as an expert on the topic, can often work as the show’s fashion advisor. Alun Cochrane is a fellow comedian/actor that begrudgingly fits all the stereotypes of the north of England, cheap, manly and Yorkshire. Originally from Scotland, Alun is allowed to make jokes of both places and often does and eventually warms to his nickname, The Cockerel. In the shows beginning there was also the quietly hilarious Gareth Richards, but we don’t talk about him, except for when he supports Frank on tour or fills in while Alun is in Edinburgh.

The beauty of The Frank Skinner Show is that despite it being on popular radio, it doesn’t feel like it in any way. There are no compulsory segments, the producer is very relaxed and often the loudest laugh in the studio and everyone is allowed to voice their own opinions. Essentially the show is three, very funny people telling stories and making jokes about the news of the world. One very important aspect of the show’s charm is Doctor Who. I often quote The Frank Skinner Show as my second favourite Doctor Who podcast(if you want to know the first, you will have to stick around for some more of these podcast recommendations). The Doctor will get a mention at least once a week but in a manner that doesn’t get tedious for non whovians. Frank even successfully petitioned for a role in the show for about two years.

Another facet of the show that stands out from other radio shows is the fact that all of the episodes are archived at the Absolute Radio website. So if you are at a loss for what to listen to this week, The Frank Skinner Show will be sure to have you in stitches. As a form of sign off I will let you decide which of Frank’s signature goodbyes you prefer, “If the good Lord spares us and the creeks don’t rise I’ll be back again next week” or “Get out!”.

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