Screen One International Film Festival Announced!

Screen One International Film Festival is back again at Warner Bros. Movie World on the Gold Coast. It showcases four unique categories:

  • Australian Music Videos
  • Australian Short Films
  • International Short Films
  • One Shot Films Worldwide


“We have pulled all stops when it comes making this event attractive to International industry professionals.” said Festival Director Wade Boyes. “Overseas has always held the ‘big glamourous events’ now it’s our chance to show what we can do here in Australia. We are especially proud to have the support of Screen Queensland.”

It’s a black tie red carpet gala event has the theme “Hollywood Through The Ages” that combines the film and music industries. After 2015’s sold out event the festival will expand to a MASSIVE EIGHT WEEK EVENT.

Novastream is proud to be reporting live from the event early next year. More news as it comes.

Criterion 1
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