SCREEN X is the new way to immerse yourself at the cinema!

ScreenX at Event Robina is a brand new, Australian first, revolutionary way to experience blockbusters on the big screen. Featuring three screens across three walls of the cinema, selected scenes fill your peripheral vision and truly immerse you in the action.

ScreenX uses five projectors to expand the film beyond the main screen, projecting it onto the two side walls as well – extending all the way to the back of the auditorium – so that even your peripheral vision is absorbed in whatever’s happening on screen. To achieve the trick, the side walls are lined in a special fabric to match the main screen, while two projectors are used for each wall to display the image.

This week, I had the chance to check out Gareth Edwards’ latest sci-fi blockbuster, The Creator, a film specifically designed to be played through the Screen X format. During intense action scenes, moments that take place on large sets, or in the specific case for The Creator, the brilliant, scenic back drop of Thailand as the film’s location, New Asia.

During these select scenes the side-wall screens come to life. The best way to describe what is played on those screens is if you added an extra 10% to each side of a standard cinema screen, then folded the extra edges inwards to create a boxed-in viewing experience. For example, during a long-grass field shootout, soldiers firing their weapons will run in from the peripheral screens before emerging on the centre screen and be a part of the action.

In a cinematic landscape where premium large formats and event-style screenings seem to be what consumers are making the effort to see, Screen X is a fun, immersive way to watch a film. With a 67.7 metre long screen all around you, and large, comfy, leather seats (some of which completely recline), and a brand new surround sound speaker system – this is an ideal way to experience big movies on the big screen.

I wouldn’t recommend seeing a movie for the first time in this format if you can help it. Due to the nature of select scenes being in this format, when the side screens immediately illuminate the room, it is instinctual to navigate the gaze to the bright lights (despite the pre-movie recommendation to focus on the centre screen for the best experience), and this can distract you from what is happening during the film ever so slightly.

But for blockbuster films like Avatar, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, or any MCU film, Screen X can definitely enhance a repeat viewing experience, and as the format grows with more filmmakers utilising it, could lead to some fun Easter eggs exclusive to those who watch a film in Screen X. Imagine how great the experience of being in a fighter jet cockpit while watching Top Gun: Maverick!

Coming up next in Screen X is Ridley Scott’s epic Napoleon, which from the trailer alone boasts huge battle scenes that should look amazing on the 67.7m, 270-degree screen! Click here to find out more info and session times.

Thank you to Event Cinemas Robina and Shout Communications for giving me the chance to check Screen X out!

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Nick L'Barrow
Nick is a Brisbane-based film/TV reviewer. He gained his following starting with his 60 second video reviews of all the latest releases on Instagram (@nicksflicksfix), before launching a monthly podcast with Peter Gray called Monthly Movie Marathon. Nick contributes to Novastream with interviews and reviews for the latest blockbusters.