The hilarious and heartwarming production of Groundhog Day The Musical has arrived in Melbourne. Direct from its record-breaking season on London’s Old Vic, it is now Melbourne’s turn with a 13-week season hosted at the Princess Theatre.
This production comes from Australia’s own Tim Minchin and the writer of the 1993 film Danny Rubin. Melbourne is only the third city worldwide to host this enchanting musical comedy in which weatherman Phil Connors is trapped inside one day on endless repeat. This first-ever Australian production of Groundhog Day The Musical will be exclusive to the Princess Theatre.
inister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events Steve Dimopoulos said, “This Australian-exclusive season of Groundhog Day The Musical is set to attract visitors from far and wide to the nation’s theatre capital – providing a boost to local businesses and jobs.”
“We can’t wait for Australian audiences to fall in love with this hit show and everything on offer in Melbourne over summer.”
Leading the cast is Olivier Award-winning and Tony Award-nominated star Andy Karl. Acclaimed for originating the role of Phil Connors at London’s Old Vic and reprising it on Broadway, Karl brings his unmissable performance to the Melbourne stage.
Ahead of the first preview performance, Andy Karl said, “I truly love this show, and I’m grateful the Melbourne production is welcoming me back to the role of Phil Connors. It’s always such a joy to join a new production and watch everyone’s talent be put to work with comedy and heart. I love that moment when everyone discovers how special Groundhog Day is, I watch the lightbulb go off in everybody’s head and that makes me very happy. It’s very unique and I’m lucky to live this show over and over… and over. I can’t wait to perform with this tremendous Australian Cast.”
Groundhog Day The Musical joins Melbourne’s vibrant theatre scene, and we cannot wait to see this incredible-looking production.
The Melbourne exclusive season of Groundhog Day The Musical will play at the Princess Theatre from January 24, 2024.
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