Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: “One of Us”-TV Review

In this episode “One of Us”, we see Cal Zabo (Kyle McLachlan) bring together other dangerous criminals from the “gifted index” against Coulson’s team because of Cal’s overarching hatred of S.H.I.E.L.D. and what they have done to him over the course of the series. Elsewhere, we see Skye’s own personal arc develop as Melinda May brings on ex-husband and shrink Dr. Andrew Garner (Blair Underwood) to help with her Inhuman developments. We also see Bobbi and Mac’s little secret side missions turn in an interesting direction.


The new villains never really felt that threatening all that much. I mean why on earth would S.H.I.E.L.D. keep tabs on a woman with blades grafted to her hand? Having seen Coulson’s agents continually take on the big threats from past episodes, it was easy to play out that they would eventually take down the bad guys.

Skye’s arc on the other hand took a rather interesting turn. We see a growth in her powers when she realizes that it is quite possible that she could have the capabilities to direct it much like the Hulk’s powers. Maybe one day we’ll see the Marvel character Quake in action. It was entertaining to watch Chloe Bennet with her usual style of quipping play off against the Doctor-like attitude of Underwood’s character. It was still nice to see that Skye hasn’t totally gone off the deep end here.

AOS3Speaking of Underwood’s character, wasn’t anybody as I as well as Fitz-Simmons surprised to see another layer to Melinda May’s background as like them, I never really figured her to be someone that was married. Nevertheless Ming-Na-Wen’s scenes with Underwood felt very natural for a Husband/Wife dynamic. Audiences can find themselves grinning at some of the dialogue.

Bobbi and Mac’s arc leaves us on a surprising cliffhanger arc as we see yet another shady organisation at play here. Marvel’s history has been filled with shadow organisations out there but nothing like the “Real S.H.I.E.L.D.” It’d be interesting to see how this plays out.


Criterion 1
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