Ahsoka : A Halfway Recap

Ahsoka Tano (Rosario Dawson) in Lucasfilm's AHSOKA, exclusively on Disney+. ©2022 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved.

As we get ready for episode six to drop, why don’t we have a look back at the first 5 episodes from Disney’s Ahsoka series. The first 5 episodes have been a bit of a roller coaster so let’s take a minute to look back at what has happened so far and what it all means. Of course I will keep as spoiler free as possible. 

Ahsoka started off with a bang. Seemingly looking to establish itself quickly amongst probably one of the most scrutinising fan bases on the planet. Within episodes one and two we are re-introduced to Ahsoka (Rosario Dawson) and thankfully her friendship with Hera Syndulla (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) is still going strong. Ahsoka’s apprentice Sabine Wren (Natasha Liu Bordizzo) had moved on from her master and the force yet still shows the skills needed to help Ahsoka on her mission.

That mission is to stop the attempts from remnants of the Empire traveling far away to find the long lost Thrawn in hopes to reunite the Empire and bring an end to the New Republic. Assisting in this plot is ex Jedi student Baylan Skoll (Ray Stevenson) and his apprentice Shin Hati (Ivanna Sakhno) both now true wielders of the dark side of the force.

The big opening that is episodes one and two make way for a more somber episode three and four. Little more than filler episodes they nearly lost my interest. In these episodes Hera must navigate the tricky world of New Republic politics in hopes to garner assistance for Ahsoka and Sabine in their pursuit of the Sith and the dark witch Morgan Elsbeth (Dianna Lee Inosanto). They have journeyed to a planet once occupied by Morgan’s ancestors that proves to be the starting point for the next stage of their journey to Thrawn. Ahsoka and Sabine must confront the Sith to stop them using a map to get the final coordinates they need for Thrawn.

It is the final moments of Episode 4 that gives us our first massive wow moment for the series and no I am not going to spoil it here. What it does is set up Episode 5 to be one of the best episodes I have seen in all current Star Wars branded series. Ahsoka is forced to confront the past and present in the hopes that she has the future she deserves.

Dave Filoni writes and directs this episode and masterfully brings moments from the clone wars to life. We get to explore the complicated feelings Ahsoka has for her master and the lasting effect he and his choices has had on her life. Finally we have some decently choreographed saber moments and  imagery that will go down in lore as some of the best in the franchise since its inception.

Episode five has brought with it a shift in the Ahsoka series and one that if done right will make sure that Ahsoka is given the credit deserved as the amazing character she is. We are going to need more growth within her and hopefully we are about to witness Ahsoka turning into the series we knew it could be.  

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