Netflix Review – Sense8 (Ep.1-4)


Sense8 follows the lives of 8 individuals who are linked to each other’s minds directly after the suicide of a mysterious woman Angel (Daryl Hannah), they all share a the same stream of consciousness and can drift in and out of each other’s lives and situations. It sounds confusing and from the makers of Cloud Atlas, I wouldn’t expect anything less. The first hour is definitely the most difficult to watch, it is a lot of characters to introduce, a lot of back stories, a lot of current stories and being that these characters are from different countries, cultures and ethnicities, it has a very Heroes esque feeling (just without the super powers).

The characters in this show are Scandanavian DJ Riley (Tuppence Middleton), Hunky Chicago cop Will (Brian J.Smith), a Transvestite and Activist Nomi (Jamie Clayton), Indian pharmacist (Tina Desal), Nairobi bus driver Capheus (Aml Ameen), Korean business woman Sun (Bae Doona) and action movie star Lito (Miguel Angel Silvestre). As I said there is a lot of story ad back fill that flood the first couple of episodes to make you care about these characters and see where they are all at in their different lives and cultures, and the big lingering question, what or who is linking them all together. One of the other characters played by Naveen Andrews (Lost) seems to have more answers than anyone else, but not too much is revealed in the first four episodes.s2

What the Wachowski team manage to deliver is a visual feast that really capitalise on the countries and areas they are filming in. The scenes in India and joyful, colourful and vibrant, London is dark, murky and uninviting, Nairobi is desolate and desperate, Korea is buzzing with business and tradition and Chicago is well ‘Merica YEAH as to be expected. The diverse racial and sexuality of the cast is also something to behold, as well as the most intense and graphic scenes I have seen this side of HBO.

The first four episodes really start building the world and the characters are just starting to get glimpses and a sense (HA!) of each other and their connection. Consumers of fast food television won’t find much joy here, these stories and characters are well explored and thoroughly detailed, so if you are looking for a quick fix, you will definitely not find it here.

Sense8 has built a solid foundation in the first four episodes that have affirmed my love for the creative intensity for the Wachowski’s and the power of the Netflix binge that no other TV service can offer. This show is mean to be binged, and honestly

s4 after the first two episodes you won’t want to stop. What I really took away from this show so far, is regardless of race, skin tone, background or sexuality, we as human beings are connected and bound to each other, and this is a great reminder of that.





Show :       Sense8

Platform : Netflix Exclusive

Available : Now – All 12 episodes


Criterion 1
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