Who would have thought that season 5 of Arrow would be its best? I certainly didn’t! This season saw the introduction of Adrian Chase and of Prometheus, the most threatening villain to ever grace the Arrowverse. I did appreciate that they took time to make this character pure and utter evil, to make his actions so threatening and dangerous that you were actually rooting for Team Arrow to take him down and this episode does an outstanding job.
The return of Slade Wilson aka Deathstroke is a sign that this villain and situation is so big and out of control, that Oliver has no choice but to turn to him to help save his family and friends. In addition to this recruiting Captain Boomerang and Malcom Merlin it reminds me of that comic and failed movie project Green Arrow and villains team up. Nyssa also joins the villainous crew who has a motive of her own to get even with her sister.

One of the best parts was the wrap up of the flashbacks. They have been a gruelling and boring part of the series since season 2 and finally they have come full circle and linked back to the first episode 1. The network have confirmed that there will be no more flashbacks in future seasons (everybody rejoice!)
Ollicity was back in full force with longing looks, kisses and goodbye speeches, it felt like a return to the couple that we loved at the start of the season when they moved back from Coast City and I hope we get to see more of them as the show moves into next season.
Team Arrow were supposedly all killed in the island explosion, but come on, we aren’t that stupid. Not everyone will be die so who will make it? Deathstroke, Felicity, Artemis, Diggle and Mr Terrific would be good saves. The rest are a little too much for the rest of the team right now.

The fight scenes were some of the best that the show has produced. Every character splits off and fights their counterpart, the highlight being the dual canary cry between the new canary and Laurel from the alternate earth is beautiful and a great way to show the acceptance of Detective Lance with the new black canary.
One of the hardest thing about Arrow has been the killing, particularly choices that Oliver has to make to kill or be killed. This season really explored that well and forced him to face his past decisions. In the final moments of this episode Oliver’s decision not to kill saw Chase choosing to kill himself to end the island and seal the fate of Team Arrow.
It was a tough episode to watch and after a season of redemption, I can honestly say that season 5 is the best so far, even counting season 1. The writers have really nailed Ollie’s character now and figured out a way to slot all these other characters in around him and it is encouraging to see. Having Ollicity on the back-burner would have appeased some fans this season but the resurgence of this relationship could spell trouble ahead.

Is everyone on Team Arrow dead? Probably not…the good news is the show has delivered some outstanding moments that will keep us wanting to come back for season 6 to find out who survived the island.
Arrow Season 6 is streaming on Foxtel Play and Netflix now.