Review – Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D Season 2

Season 2 Episode 12-Who You Really Are

This episode starts us off with the return of Lady Sif (Jaimie Alexander) to the realm of Midgard. Here, she presents herself in a much different light than we’re used to She was found to be slightly amnesiac and a little violent to people around her in her search for a Kree agent which forever changes the journey of one of our crew among Coulson’s team aka Skye.aos1

Just as the title suggests, Skye’s secret is finally revealed to the team. It was a brilliant move in hindsight as keeping something like this a secret for a whole season would come off as a bit too clichéd. Now we can finally get moving on some more interesting drama among the team. I liked that Coulson and May weren’t afraid of what Skye has become and were willing to help her as soon as it was all revealed. It really shows how much of a family they have become. For some people watching the show, I guess this would indeed be a fine moment to make Elsa jokes towards Skye with all of the parallels in their excess strength in their powers. Nevertheless, it was handled well among the crew with some sides being made and divisions formed. Just like last week, it was great in seeing the mythos of the Kree and their creation of the Inhumans keep us satisfied as we wait further until the end of the decade for their own movie.

Having Sif back on the show was also a real pleasure. Jaimie Alexander effortlessly slides back into her character. The episode offered decent fight scenes and actions enhancing the character we all know from the Thor franchise.

Bobbi and Mac’s secretive story arc will also keep audiences on their toes too. Anyone can see that this is going to start escalating seeing as one of their team had to be made unconscious to keep it all on the down low. Some could find themselves sympathizing with their mission as they bring up the past such as the infamous HYDRA takeover


Score: 3.5/5


Review by Thanura Ravindra

Criterion 1
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