Do you have young kids ready to be indoctrinated I mean introduced to the ways of the force? Young Jedi Adventures might just be for you. The new series is releasing this May 4th and is primed to take over as the initial step into the Star Wars fandom for those with younger kids.
Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures is the latest foray into the Star Wars realm but this time from the minds at Disney Junior. It follows Jedi Younglings Kai Brightstar, Nubs and Lys Solay along with young pilot Nash Durango as they study the ways of the Force, explore the galaxy, help citizens and creatures in need all the while learning valuable skills needed to become a Jedi along the way.

Young Jedi Adventures is your typical Disney Junior series aimed at trying to help teach those who watch a new lesson with each episode. Series one spans seven episodes with each taking on two problems the team must overcome. They must overcome these obstacles while sticking to the Jedi code, be it winning a race without using the Force or stopping a thief by helping them realise the error of their ways it is all done with smiles and very bright colours.
Young Jedi Adventures tows the same line and feel as many Disney Junior shows that have come before it but kids are not going to worry about that. It paves the way to have a new generation interested in the characters and massive world that is Star Wars. It’s full of fun characters saving the day in thoughtful ways all the while learning about friendship and helping each other out. With a run time of 24 mins for each episode it is the perfect length to keep the young ones interested.

Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures is out now on Disney Plus, just in time for May 4th