Review : The Last of Us Episode 9

It is not often that a TV series comes along and captivates such a wide variety of audiences. The Last of Us was always going to be a hit amongst gamers but seeing the reach that this show has had has been immeasurable. People that have questioned gaming as an art form are sitting up and taking notice that it can be a powerful storytelling medium.

Yet like all good things, The Last of Us season 1 is coming to an end and I implore you, if you are yet to watch any of it and were waiting to see some reviews for the last episode, I have a quick note to tell you. Watch it now! Episode 9 titled Look for the Light is must watch television. Clocking in at just over 40 minutes long there is so much packed into this episode that I will do my best to tiptoe around but if you have yet to watch, stop reading now and go watch it.

After another heart stopping episode last week, who will ever forget “It’s OK baby girl, I got you, I got you.” We re-join Joel and Ellie as they finally make it to Salt Lake City and the hospital home of the Fireflies. Finally they’re journey is coming to an end and there looks to be light at the end of the tunnel for them and all of humanity. We can only hope.

After a brief stop to take in the sights Joel and Ellie arrive at the Firefly hospital to a flashy welcome, not something either were expecting and enough to knock them out. Joel awakens in a hospital bed a little disorientated with Marleen by his side but no Ellie, she is being prepped for surgery. The moment has arrived for her to save us all.

Episode 9 finally introduces us to Ellie’s mother Anna, played by the only person who could have in Ashley Johnson. For those of you unaware, Johnson voiced and played Ellie in the Last of Us part 1 and 2. Anna is pregnant in our flashback and we finally understand how Ellie is immune to the cordyceps infection and how Marleen is involved in Ellies life.

The Last of Us has always been a story about hope, love, redemption, regret and despair not just violent zombie like infected. It has made us feel the highest of highs and the lowest of lows holding out each week to see how the characters in front of us navigate through a world of unknowns. For fans of the game, we have had the world expanded and stories that we know and love expanded on only ever enriching what was already there.

Episode 9 doesn’t leave anything on the table. In continuing with the theme of the series so far we have moments of intense joy, moments of shock and moments you won’t forget any time soon. It left me once again questioning everything that Ellie and Joel went through and what I would do when faced with the same decisions to make.

I cannot commend The Last of Us enough. For too long gaming adaptations fell short of their counterparts for the simple reason that they focused on the action, not the characters and story. The Last of Us could very well open doors for more games to make the jump to screen. With season 2 having already been green lit luckily this won’t be the last time we see Joel and Ellie.

The Last of Us is available now on Binge in Australia. 

Criterion 1
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