Apple TV Plus are gearing up for the release of their Godzilla universe TV show titled Monarch : Legacy of Monsters. In a world ravaged by the king of monsters, the company keeping them a secret Monarch will be the focus of the show, with the big guy rocking up for a few appearances during the show. The first two episodes will debut on Apple TV Plus globally on November 17th, with weekly episodes until January 12th.
The trailer is quite tight lipped about the exact story of the show, it does feature a few familiar faces from the movie franchise with John Goodman’s Bill Randa from 2017’s Kong : Skull Island. There is an incredibly harrowing shot of ravaged-filled cities, while various monsters from the film series fly and stomp past the camera.
Monarch picked up directly after the events of Godzilla : King of the Monsters and will follow two siblings as they uncover their families connection to Monarch. The organisation has been keeping the monsters hidden for years, attempting to control them to use against future enemies. The show will be set across multiple time periods and feature real life father and son Kurt and Wyatt Russell exploring Monarch dating back to the 1950’s.
Also starring Anna Sawai, Kiersey Clemons, Ren Watabe, Mari Yamamoto, Anders Holm, Joe Tippett, and Elisa Lasowski, Monarch: Legacy of Monsters aims to explore “the question of who the true monsters are“ in a world where humanity is trying to co-exist with a newly discovered population of giant titans.
You can watch Monarch : Legacy of Monsters on Apple TV Plus November 27th.