Frozen 2 Announced

I guess they couldn’t let it go.

Sorry, had to do it.

Nevertheless, more information came out of Disney’s shareholder meeting today. Continuing from the Star Wars: Rogue One news, Disney have officially announced that there will be a sequel to the 2013 1.2 billion dollar hit that was Frozen.

John Lasseter, Chief Creative Officer of Walt Disney and Pixar Animation Studios said that “Jennifer Lee and Chris Buck have come up with a great idea for a sequel and you will be hearing a more about it…”

There is no release date yet for the sequel to the 2013 Oscar Winning film. Keep an eye out though for Frozen Fever, which apparently will be shown in front of the live action Disney film Cinderella, to get your Frozen fix.

Article by Daniel Clements

Twitter: @clemo_24

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