Recap : Superman & Lois S2E4

By John Cooper

Last week we had a full-on action-packed episode with arcs and subplots blossoming within the show. However, that didn’t quite continue in this week’s episode of Superman & Lois. Instead, this week brought on what was trying to be more of a continuation of what’s been happening so far in the series for all of these arcs.

Here’s a quick recap of all of them so far. 

Last time we saw Superman not being able to stay in control of his powers as these visions were affecting him pretty severely to the point where he was starting to not only lose his ability to fight but a little bit of his strength as well after discovering something Bizzare in the mines. Then there were evolving arcs as the rest of the characters in this epic drama progressed through this episode. 

Jordan wanted to emphasise with his girlfriend what happened over the summer break and get back to being close with her. Jonathan found out what makes Timmy perform better than him on the football team, with his girlfriend selling him this drug like enhancer that only exists in Smallville and Lana. Now in the running for Mayor, she’s trying to convince the town on what makes her the right candidate. 

But what is beginning to become a more prominent arc within the series is Lois as she is trying to uncover what’s going on with these podcasts based on her article where she was trying to take down supposed cult leader Ally Allston as her sister has since fallen into her trap again and is working with Ally into finding “true transcendence” or self. 

We explored more of that in this episode, with this week mainly focused on Lois with the drama that is going on between her and her sister, as there is so much to uncover between the two’s history with each other. 

However, it barely added anything more to these subplots and arcs within the series with that and everything else. As whilst we delved into what was a well-balanced family drama episode that mostly continues to explore that arc with Lois. We barely progressed within the series from where we started before the episode. 

All that was built chiefly felt expositional 

and adding towards something happening further down the road. The whole “Bizzare” arc with Superman was barely even enough to add anything towards what’s been going on so far. It mostly felt like an episode to explore the more drama genre side of the show, adding perhaps just a sprinkle of superhero action to spice up the episode a bit for fans of the show.

You can catch new episodes of Superman & Lois Wednesday’s 5 pm AEDT on BINGE.

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