Nick L'Barrow

Nick is a Brisbane-based film/TV reviewer. He gained his following starting with his 60 second video reviews of all the latest releases on Instagram (@nicksflicksfix), before launching a monthly podcast with Peter Gray called Monthly Movie Marathon. Nick contributes to Novastream with interviews and reviews for the latest blockbusters.

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Featured Stories:

The Critic Review

Sure, there’s a sense of irony that a film...

Trailer – The Last of Us Season 2

HBO have released the first trailer for season 2...

Focus on Ability filmmakers Abbey and Lorraine Holmes talk about using humour for inclusivity

The Focus on Ability Short Film Festival is bringing its celebrated...

The Legend of Zelda : Echoes Of Wisdom is out NOW!

Nintendo has launched The Legend of Zelda : Echoes...

SWEETIE, YOU WON’T BELIEVE IT – Fantasia Film Fest review

by Nick L’Barrow Imagine a movie, which is part The Hangover… and part Deliverance. You are having a hard time putting those two movies together,...

BEYOND THE INFINITE TWO MINUTES – Fantasia Film Festival review

by Nick L’Barrow Perhaps it is the inner-wannabe-filmmaker inside of me, but I always have a soft spot for films that are made by a...

Agnes – Fantasia International Film Festival Review

by Nick L’Barrow When rumours of a demonic possession in a convent make their way to the church, two priests are sent to investigate and...

Review – Jolt

by Nick L’Barrow Lindy has some anger problems. From a young age, she’s had uncontrollable urges to commit violent acts on to people who make...

Review – 1st Year Checking

by Nick L’Barrow In ice hockey, checking is when a player’s primary goal is to remove an opposition player off the puck his is carrying....

Review – Nine Days

by Nick L’Barrow For many first-time feature filmmakers, making a first impression on the industry is paramount to success. Showing that you have a distinct...

Popular articles

The Critic Review

Sure, there’s a sense of irony that a film...

Trailer – The Last of Us Season 2

HBO have released the first trailer for season 2...

Focus on Ability filmmakers Abbey and Lorraine Holmes talk about using humour for inclusivity

The Focus on Ability Short Film Festival is bringing its celebrated...

The Legend of Zelda : Echoes Of Wisdom is out NOW!

Nintendo has launched The Legend of Zelda : Echoes...

Sleep Review

Being mentored by not just one of South Korea’s...